Let’s move together.

I would love to get to know you and move in meaningful ways together. Please reach out.

Dance offerings: Classes, workshops, dance poetry.

  • ONE ON ONE Movement Sessions:

    Core meeting for self growth.

    *In practice, this means focusing on awareness, acceptance, and compassion as forces for self growth. You, me and a space to move and reflect. Share and be. Unravel.

    There are couple of components to our time together:

    Conversation: Vocalizing what’s stirring inside.

    Movement: This can be as much or as little as we need it to be. I will guide you through a physical exploration to let more inner knowledge reveal itself to you.

    Instead of words we move to listen.

    Touch meditation visualization: I gently guide you through touch meditation and visualization. This is the part where you get to be passive, let things sink, receive and be nourished. 

  • MOVEMENT glide:

    Movement classes centered around strengthening our body and dancing. Moving through joy, imagination, pilates/yoga exercises, self expression and awareness.

    Anchored in movement, this class is inspired by somatic practices and integrates elements from dance, yoga and pilates into one coherent stream of organic movement that is supported by conscious breath. Imagination guides the physical body as it moves to explore what dancing means to each individual in the space. In this class we make space for our inner rhythms, inner structures, inner life and inner power. We reinforce our being by believing and trusting in the present moment and we touch base with our souls by dancing to this moment’s breath.

    Come ready to move and move with joy and curiosity.


    Classes centered around improvisation and ongoing flow of energy. We get creative with lots of self expression, joy and physical power.

    We begin seated, connecting right away to the music, the rhythm of our breath and an ongoing flow of movement. Exercises strengthen, elongate and stretch the body while creating a feeling of roundedness, openness and freedom.


    A place to explore possibilities, get super creative, no right or wrong just expanding in our own playground and moving in between horizons.

    This workshop begins with a warmup that focuses on waking up the physical, emotional and mental bodies. We move to open up to possibilities and curiosity. We arrive at a space of creativity, collaborations and exploration. Workshops evolve into a playground of improvisational scores and composition tasks.